Contact us for a design & colour consultation

At our Benjamin Moore True Colours paint store our staff are trained on a regular basis and are dedicated to helping you make the best painting choices possible. When you walk into our Penticton Benjamin Moore True Colours paint store, come with your most difficult questions! Our knowledgeable staff members will be able to give you quality advice so your next painting project looks better and lasts longer. And if you need a second opinion on colours or tints, a paint store employee can help you weigh the benefits for the best choice for you. From application tips to the right type of paint, painting experts will have answers for any of your questions.


103-1397 Fairview Rd. Penticton,
BC V2A 6A1


Mon-Fri: 7AM–5:30PM
Saturday: 8AM–4PM
Sunday: Closed
Closed Statutory Holidays

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Get in touch & Request a Consultation Today

Ready to get started?

Why not use the skills and expertise of a Benjamin Moore professional colour consultant? Our experts can help you choose the right paint colours and techniques for an atmosphere that expresses your sense of style, so relax and hire a Benjamin Moore Colour Consultant.

Free in-store colour consultations for our clients
Free in-store advice for draperies, blinds & design
Chargeable in-home comprehensive colour consultations
Free client in-home consultation for drapes & blinds

Contact True Colours for your Design & Colour Consultation

(250) 490-8660

Discover helpful tips & tricks

At True Colours we’re constantly working to develop products and services that solve problems and make you rethink what paint can do.


Mon-Fri: 7AM–5:30PM
Saturday: 8AM–4PM
Sunday: Closed
Closed Long Weekends and Statutory Holidays